Saturday, February 3, 2007


February 2, 2007

Steve and I are at the beach, celebrating our 22nd anniversary which seems completely ridiculous. Not that we’re celebrating - but that it’s been 22 years since we took the big walk down the long aisle and said two enormous words: I DO. It’s funny how much I thought I knew about love and life and commitment and family back then.

Turns out, um…not so much.

I was woefully unprepared and way too young for everything that we would face. And yet, face it we did. And I think we’ve managed to conquer most of the stuff that wanted to conquer us and I know that we have a deeper respect and appreciation for one another then we did when our love was young and untested. Steve has put up with a lot from me. I’m not very organized. I hate house work. I’m self-focused a lot. And probably the biggest thing is that I’ve struggled with fear for most of my life. He has walked with me every step of the sometimes-arduous road toward freedom and I just can’t begin to say how much his strength and love has meant to me. In fact, I’ve probably leaned more on him than I should, which is my weakness. And he has always stayed faithful and steady, which is his strength. In that way - and so many others - he’s just a lot like Jesus.

It’s interesting when I hear young women talk about the kind of man they want to marry. What I found in Steve is just so much more than I even knew to ask for at 18. What I found in marriage is so much deeper and more real and intimate and vulnerable than I ever imagined. And what I’ve learned about the overwhelming love of Jesus by being loved by the man of His choosing has made me who I am.

Wow, Steve, thanks. I can’t begin to say how much you’ve meant to me. The best is yet to come…


Brandy said...

yay for 22.. sweet.. oh yeah.. you guys are awesoome.. :):)

jjschulz said...

Lorelei and Trina say 'that's so sweet' miss you lady!

jjschulz said...

I always think it is funny to look at a blog and see that somehow I have commented when I didn't even know the blog existed! Anyhow, welcome to blogging Bo. I missed seeing you at Winter Camp. Hopefully we can intentionally run into each other some day soon when we get a chance to come back to Bend. =)

Helen said...

Hi Bo,

This is Helen (Cheryl's pal)...welcome to the wonderfully revealing world of blogging...I have enjoyed reading your posts and getting to "know" you in a way. I know your life is crazy busy but I look forward to reading more of your heart laid out so lovely...please make the time...we will be all the more blessed by you and the Lord.

Blessings of peace and joy,


P.S. If you ever want to check out my called A Work of Heart and the link is Don't you just love all the lingo?!